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Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 20:12
by largodaddy
I would just like to welcome you all to our site.

We want to make this a helpful site as well as a happy friendly place to be, unlike a previous forum i was on, so sit back, enjoy, share with your friends and help every one along the way - mel n mark :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Re: welcome

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 22:05
by largodaddy
When we join can we just spend 2 mins saying hi so we all know who we are talking to ;)

We may get an odd invader who won't say hi, but welcome anyway, we won't discriminate any of you as long as you are playing nice

We are not on-line to annoy any other forums but to just let us be ourselves and have a good time with fellow largo owners - mel xx :mrgreen: